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Aantal resultaten: 14( DE:"transgender prostituées" )


Opgejaagde 'chicks with dicks' : 'Als je wordt opgepakt is de droom voorbij'  / Rudy Chotoe ; Gabriella, Carmelita.

XL, 4 (1995) 6 (jun), p. 13
bron: XL jaargang: 4 (1995) 6 (jun), p. 13
samenvatting: Interview met transsexuele, Zuid-Amerikaanse prostituees over hun illegaal verblijf en werk in Nederland.

signatuur: ts.

Opgejaagde 'chicks with dicks' : 'Als je wordt opgepakt is de droom voorbij'
Rudy Chotoe ; Gabriella, Carmelita.

Identity diversification among transgender sex workers in Thailand?s sex tourism industry  / Witchayanee Ocha

Sexualities, 16 (2013) 1/2 (jan/feb), p. 195-216
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 16 (2013) 1/2 (jan/feb), p. 195-216
samenvatting: This article looks at identity diversification among Thai (MTF) transgender sex workers who are in a semi-reassigned physical state; working in two famous sex tourism hot spots in Thailand. Locating the informants in their own gender system, then drawing on western queer and transgender theories, we examine the negotiation of gender and identity in this unique cultural, historical and political context. The research shows that the sex industry facilitates the emergence of new third-gender identities among MTF sex workers. The research finds that core gender identity, embodiment and preferred sexual practices are mutable but vary together. The research reinforces the centrality of the body in transgender studies, but highlights problems of cross-cultural differences in gender concepts.

signatuur: ts.

Identity diversification among transgender sex workers in Thailand?s sex tourism industry
Witchayanee Ocha

The ultimate angels  / 

Byron NewmanLondon: Hutchinson, 1984 - [96] p.: ill.
uitgave: London: Hutchinson, 1984 - [96] p.: ill.
samenvatting: Shot by Byron Newman, this celebratory book features erotic and stylised photographs of transexual people in and around the Bois de Boulogne district in Paris.

signatuur: cat. (newma-b/ult) b

The ultimate angels
cat. (newma-b/ult) b
Byron Newman

Droombeeld  / Caroline van Keeken.

Parool 11-01-2016
bron: Parool 11-01-2016
samenvatting: Fotograaf en kunstenaar Jan Hoek legde met modeontwerper Duran Lantink de kleurrijke transgender sekswerkers in Kaapstad vast. Dit leiden tot de expositie en modeshow 'Sistaaz of the Castle'.

signatuur: knipsel (transgender, fotografie)

knipsel (transgender, fotografie)
Caroline van Keeken.

'Ik doe geen slechte dingen' : Transgender sekswerkers van buiten de EU  / Nour Anne Abdullah.

Trans, 1 (2017) 1 (aug), p. 40-42
bron: Trans jaargang: 1 (2017) 1 (aug), p. 40-42
samenvatting: Relaas van transvrouw Aleisha (23) die uit Brazilië komt en in Nederland als prostituee werkt op de Wallen. In 'Transgender sekswerkers van buiten de EU'(p. 42) vertelt Marielouise Janssen over haar academisch proefschrift 'Reizende sekswerkers, Latijns-Amerikaanse vrouwen in de Europese prostitutie' en ervaringen van de transgenders uit haar onderzoeksgroep.

signatuur: ts.

'Ik doe geen slechte dingen' : Transgender sekswerkers van buiten de EU
Nour Anne Abdullah.

Sexual health, transition-related risk behavior and need for health care among transgender sex workers  / Judith Van Schuylenbergh ... [et al.].

International Journal of Transgenderism, 20 (2019) 4 (okt-dec), p. 388-402
bron: International Journal of Transgenderism jaargang: 20 (2019) 4 (okt-dec), p. 388-402
samenvatting: Research has shown that sexual risk behavior, as well as transition-related risk behavior, such as uncontrolled hormone use, auto-medication, and silicone injections, may lead to several adverse health outcomes for transgender persons. Transgender sex workers are a vulnerable group within the transgender population, who are at increased risk for these health risk behaviors. However, European research into this topic and risk population remains largely absent. Aim: This study explores the prevalence of uncontrolled gender-affirming hormone use, silicone injections, and inconsistent condom use among transgender sex workers working in Antwerp, Belgium. Methods: A descriptive analysis of a survey sample of 46 transgender sex workers, supplemented with nine in-depth interviews with transgender sex workers. Results: This population of transgender sex workers has specific socio-demographic characteristics: they are all assigned male at birth, 83% identifies as female and 76% is from Latin-American descent, mainly from Ecuador. Transition-related and sexual risk behaviors are prevalent. Current uncontrolled hormone use rate is 32%, which should be seen in light of their work as well as their migration status. Inconsistent condom use with clients is reported by 33% of the sample. Of all participants, 65% has silicone injections in one or more parts of the body, and 43% of them cites health problems due to these injections. Conclusion: The specific characteristics of this largely invisible but highly vulnerable population should be taken in account when addressing this population's health risk behavior. Access to health care and social services should be ensured, and culturally tailored health interventions that take into account their social context as well as their gender identity should be developed.

signatuur: ts.

Sexual health, transition-related risk behavior and need for health care among transgender sex workers
Judith Van Schuylenbergh ... [et al.].
International Journal of Transgenderism

Sex work, social support, and stigma: Experiences of transgender women in the Dominican Republic  / Adrienne N. Milner ... [et al.].

International Journal of Transgenderism, 20 (2019) 4 (okt-dec), p. 403-412
bron: International Journal of Transgenderism jaargang: 20 (2019) 4 (okt-dec), p. 403-412
samenvatting: Transgender populations, and especially those in resource-limited settings, are at an elevated risk of experiencing stigma and discrimination. Aims: This study sought to examine the relationship between parental, familial, and other social support, experiences of stigma and discrimination, quality of life, and sex work in a national sample of transgender women in the Dominican Republic (n = 291). Methods: Descriptive analyses for the outcome variable, sex work, as well as for measures associated with socio-demographics, social support, stigma, quality of life, and experiences of abuse and violence were performed. Bivariate analysis examined differences between respondents involved in sex work and those not involved in sex work. Results: We found that participation in sex work was associated with low social support and quality of life and increased experiences of stigma, discrimination, and abuse. Specifically, Dominican transgender women involved in sex work received less social support than their non-sex working peers; they experienced heightened arguments and problems with non-parental family members, professors or bosses, classmates, and close friends, as well of loss of friendships. Involvement in sex work was also associated with higher levels of stigma and discrimination, lower quality of life, and experiences of sexual abuse, torture, and experiences of attempted murder on one?s life. Discussion: Transgender women participating in sex work require more rather than less social support from family members and loved ones, especially in areas where workplace discrimination policies that affect transgender individuals are nebulous, such as the Dominican Republic.

signatuur: ts.

Sex work, social support, and stigma: Experiences of transgender women in the Dominican Republic
Adrienne N. Milner ... [et al.].
International Journal of Transgenderism

The vicious circle of violence: Trans and gender-diverse people, migration, and sex work  / Boglarka Fedorko and Lukas Berredo.

Berlin: Transgender Europe (TGEU), Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide (TvT), 2017 - 23 p.: ill.
uitgave: Berlin : Transgender Europe (TGEU), Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide (TvT), 2017 - 23 p.: ill.
  1. geweld/discriminatie
  2. transgender
samenvatting: This report, in continuation with the Trans Murder Monitoring (TMM) project, pertains to the TMM data, collected since 2008, and focuses on trans and gender-diverse sex workers, broadly highlighting current trends contributing to the marginalization and exclusion of trans and sex worker communities, such as the criminalization of migration and sex work, the use of punitive approaches to tackling poverty, homelessness, and drug use, increasingly precarious living and working conditions, and growing racial, gender, and economic disparities all over the world. Furthermore, it builds on community-based violence documentation and research carried out in recent years in local contexts and on an international level, including TGEU's Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide (TvT) and ProTrans projects.

signatuur: cat. (fedor/ber)

dgb grijs

The vicious circle of violence: Trans and gender-diverse people, migration, and sex work
cat. (fedor/ber)dgb grijs

Van Zandpad tot afwerkplaats : Het Utrechtse prostitutiebeleid 1970-1989  / Lex van Rens.

Oud Utrecht, 92 (2019) 3 (jun), p. 113-118
bron: Oud Utrecht jaargang: 92 (2019) 3 (jun), p. 113-118
samenvatting: Betreft prostitutie in het algemeen, voornamelijk vrouwelijke sekswerkers. De betrokkenheid van transvrouwen bij de straatprostitutie in één de Utrechtse wijken in de jaren '70 wordt hier kort vermeld.

signatuur: ts.

Van Zandpad tot afwerkplaats : Het Utrechtse prostitutiebeleid 1970-1989
Lex van Rens.
Oud Utrecht

J'ai des choses à vous dire : une prostituée témoigne  / 

Claire Carthonnet ; avec la collaboration de Claude Mendibil.Paris: Laffont, 2003 - 267 p.
uitgave: Paris: Laffont, 2003 - 267 p.
samenvatting: Prostituée depuis l'âge de dix-sept ans, Claire Carthonnet a choisi de se montrer et de parler pour défendre ses s?urs du trottoir. Quand elle s'empare du micro en criant: "J'ai des choses à vous dire", lors d'un colloque pour l'abolition de la prostitution à l'Unesco, quand, courageusement, elle argumente seule et contre tous sur les plateaux de télévision ou, plus récemment, quand elle manifeste à visage découvert au cours des rassemblements contre le projet de loi Sarkozy, elle est de tous les combats. "J'étais insouciante, je vivais comme une bourgeoise... avant l'électrochoc..." Le choc s'appelle Gina, "une vieille femme qui se vendait pour un paquet de clopes et un sandwich..." C'est cette rencontre que Claire Carthonnet nous raconte, le séisme et la prise de conscience qu'elle a provoqués dans sa vie, l'engagement qui s'est ensuivi. Elle évoque la situation des prostituées étrangères, le regard que la société porte sur les prostituées en général mais également son travail au quotidien, les clients, la violence.Pour expliquer les raisons pour lesquelles elle a choisi d'être prostituée, Claire Carthonnet raconte aussi certains événements de son enfance et de son adolescence. Pour la première fois, elle révèle un secret douloureux et inattendu dans un témoignage bouleversant et unique.

signatuur: cat. (carth/jai) b

J'ai des choses à vous dire : une prostituée témoigne
cat. (carth/jai) b
Claire Carthonnet ; avec la collaboration de Claude Mendibil.


( DE:"transgender prostituées" )

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